5 Step eBusiness Blueprint
- Are you having a hard time finding employment after being laid off?
- Do you want to have one or both parents at home with the kids?
- Have you been thinking of starting your own online business but aren't sure where or how to get started?
- Or maybe you bought a domain name and signed up for hosting but you hit the pause button because you didn't know what to do next?
As a Remote Administrative Support Specialist (Virtual Assistant, if you prefer), I have had a lot of individuals ask me how to start or grow the online side of their business.
Unfortunately, I also get slammed for being out of their price range (normal administrative wages) and telling me that my services should be free (or close to that) because hey, it’s easy work. It's online. The internet is free. Hosting doesn't cost much.
Most would then try to do setup and maintain their ebusiness processes themselves but wind up confused and upset by the whole process.
It wasn’t that they were "dumb".
In fact, they were right. It was “easy”. Systems are easy because I have years of experience putting them in place and tweaking them to work “just so”.
Starting or expanding an eBusiness is not hard. It is, however, time consuming and can morph into a much larger project than you intended to become involved with.
You don’t have to be frustrated.
You don’t have to be freaked out because you can’t afford a web designer but don’t know how to DIY either.
The that I created works across the board. My 5 Step eBusiness Blueprint is a step-by-step document that allows you to check steps off of as you go and easily manage your startup efforts.
Regardless of whether you are interested in learning how to start your own business or create an online presence for the business you already have, my 5 Step eBusiness Blueprint is perfect for you!
Let me show you how.
My mission is to empower and inspire modern Proverbs 31 women. Both stay-at-home moms and busy corporate mommas can create and thrive in their own online businesses, while keeping their families first.
You really can save money while learning how the back end of your ebusiness works and even create your very first campaign on your own. My 5 Step eBusiness Blueprint will show you how.